There is a place that welcomes everybody..
Everybody with a special gift.
We welcome you at our

Roman von Thurau and Vivian are mindreaders and owners of the hotel and they lodge enchanting artists.
Each artist shows his act in a room specially for him designed and projected. We get to the respective room after a wild film tracking shot along the old corridors of the building, then through the keywhole and into his room.

The concept is thought in a way that the artists/ hotelguests can be exchanged depending on venue and country.
The show arose in cooperation with Bernhard Paul and the team of Roncalli Apollo Varieté Theatre- Düsseldorf/ Germany.
The 4 headed ballet was a special request of Roncallli Circus as they traditionally have dancers.
All visuals were again made by us ourselves.
We directed, created and designed the show and are looking forward to travelling the world with it.

This room was designed for a magician that makes appear hundreds of umbrellas.
Here in the beginning it rains- later the room fill up with water...

This was the room of a lovely arial couple. The bed flies with them.

This is the room of an enchanting ballerina that walks en pointe on glass bottles. She is lighter than air.
The clouds slowly slide from window to window...

This was designed for a chinese artist.
Here the wallpaper „grows“ until it is an antique Chinese tapestry.

These are a few of our mindreading rooms: In all background films there is always a slow movement and development in the films- so slight that it doesn't distract from the action on stage....

some live impressions from Roncalli Theater Düsseldorf/Germany:
(the visuals then where still in black and white. Now it is very colorful!)